Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Being a SAHM not a working mom.

So this morning I was asked how I like being a stay at home mommy compared to working, Honestly. My feelings on it vary day to day depending on how hard it is or what I deal with but over all I love it. I wouldn't give my time up with Eli for the world. Some days it's harder bc he's in a HORRIBLE mood and he's hard to handle alone and then I get over whelmed with things I have to get done but those days are few and far between. I love being with him and staying in our home and taking him places like I can wake up and decide to go anywhere with him like the park, to lunch, or to see anyone. So yeah  if I were to watch someone's law children I can't do that. I know that with other peoples kids if something goes wrong with him I can't just take him to the doctor and not worry about what anyone had to say. I'd have to deal with those parents. Or if I worked I'd have to worry all the time who has Eli and what they're doing with him how are they treating him. As well all know no one takes care of your child as good as you. I'd have to pay someone to watch him and gas to get to and from work and to me it's just not worth it. I'll wait to work when he's in school. So for now I'm going to take online classes so that way when it's time for him to go to school I can be almost done and have a great full time job. I hope that about sums it up for y'all. 

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