Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A little background info...

So before I lay down all the humorous things that happen I figured I could go a little more into depths on my life. I am a stay at home mother and wife, my husband is a welder and my one child is 15 months old. My husband travels here there and yonder but we own our little country bumpkin home in the small town of Springfield Louisiana. As of right now we are staying in a hotel In port arthur Texas, Tom my son and I will be traveling home to check on the animals and get our new security system installed. Our Familly is Pentecostal. I am about to be 23 and my husband is about to be 25. We've been married for two years,  we started dating since March 20th 2011. We met through the guy I was dating who was a JERK who happened to be my husbands distant cousin. We instantly fell for each other but didn't say a word. We barley spoke to each other because we both knew the other felt the same even though the words were never spoken out loud. Soon to find out my current boyfriend was using drugs and was cheating on me. I was hurt badly because he was using my money to take this other girl out, he left me with nothing but the one friend that stayed there with me Justin. We became best friends who eventually fell deeper and deeper in love. We knew within three months of dating we wanted to marry each other we waited for a while and not long after we were married we were soon to find out we were expecting a baby not very long after getting married. We had our beautiful 10 lbs baby boy on November 20th 2012. Lol I know all the 20s it's our lucky number. (: Now day to day I'm learning more and more on how to be a better mom and wife. Hopefully I can share funny, troublesome, drama, and just life events and give you all something juicy yet relatable to read about. (: 

Every day I will write about things that happen to me as a mother. I will take request and write about them as well. Any questions you have I'm glad to answer. Let me know. COMMENT up. ((: 
But beware I am not one to take rudeness so I will not tolerate ugly behavior. Thanks once again. Have a great day!!! 

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