Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Discipline?! Where do you stand?

As parents there comes that faithful day when you have to decided to whip or not to whip. I personally am not fond of a man whipping a child, at the same time I HATE being the person to punish my son but if my husband were to do I'd flip and someone has to do it, because when your done with your child, the rest of the world has to deal with them so WE need to teach the respect. 

Not only does that stem from a STABLE AND FIRM FOUNDATION, BUT LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP. I can punish my son, whip him, or fuss at him and within a few seconds he's in my arms loving on me. For the simple reason after he realizes he's in trouble it breaks his heart then I try to explain to him WHY he cannot do what he did to get into trouble. At the age of 6 months I was teaching him the word NO. did I hit him at that age UMMM NOOO!! But he did understand that the word meant HE COULD NOT DO IT.  

So from my point yes I believe in discipline, but I DO NOT believe in BEATING my child. There's a big difference in between those too. I will not stand idly by and let him walk all over me but I will not CONTINUOUSLY harp him and hit him nor will I put him hands or other objects on him that don't need to be excessively. He will have to deserve a whipping to get one. As of right now a stern voice will do. 

Let me know where you stand on this situation! Comment up!! ((: 

Being a SAHM not a working mom.

So this morning I was asked how I like being a stay at home mommy compared to working, Honestly. My feelings on it vary day to day depending on how hard it is or what I deal with but over all I love it. I wouldn't give my time up with Eli for the world. Some days it's harder bc he's in a HORRIBLE mood and he's hard to handle alone and then I get over whelmed with things I have to get done but those days are few and far between. I love being with him and staying in our home and taking him places like I can wake up and decide to go anywhere with him like the park, to lunch, or to see anyone. So yeah  if I were to watch someone's law children I can't do that. I know that with other peoples kids if something goes wrong with him I can't just take him to the doctor and not worry about what anyone had to say. I'd have to deal with those parents. Or if I worked I'd have to worry all the time who has Eli and what they're doing with him how are they treating him. As well all know no one takes care of your child as good as you. I'd have to pay someone to watch him and gas to get to and from work and to me it's just not worth it. I'll wait to work when he's in school. So for now I'm going to take online classes so that way when it's time for him to go to school I can be almost done and have a great full time job. I hope that about sums it up for y'all. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


As a parent we have now entered the realm of the almighty grandparents who know better "because they've raised ____ amount of kids" and who "have the right to let the kids get away with everything" because "your grandparents did this to you now it's my turn"!! Umm NO this is not how this works because WE are the parents. From time to time I have to throw the card out "I am his mother and I say what goes" because some people often forget this or rather they over look it. The point in this certain blog post is to help remind you / encourage you to not take any crap from anyone who tries this. My mother likes to say that "I am using her grandson against her" when this is not the case, it's the fact that I am his mother and I say who has the right to do anything with him. I am not going to stand by and let someone give my child the impression that he does not have to listen to the things that I have to say. This is not the case and will never be so. I pray that when I have grandchildren I do not resort to this because this sets me off very badly. PARENTS do not subside to this situation the longer you sit by and let it happen the more it's going to. Ladies do not let your mother in laws take all the control. ( I have no mother n law  because my husbands mother passed away, but my husbands step mom wouldn't dare do this) You are the boss and decider of what goes on. You have to be strong minded and strong hearted. Never let anyone make you feel like you can't say so over something like this. You are the boss ALWAYS remember that! (: 

Stand strong. Stand proud. Become strong. 

The day they learn to talk!

Well we all know that from day one you want that little one to talk, WELL STOP! Enjoy the quiet!! Because once they learn to talk they won't shut up! Lol. I was so excited for my little boy to talk, his first word was dada then hey then FINALLY MOMMA. I was the happiest woman alive! Or so I thought?! Quickly and I mean quickly Eli started picking up words we were saying. Like bye and go and so on. Well now at 15 months old my son now tell me "shut up momma" or go away" while it is amusing at times he also knows it upsets me. He slaps at us and tells us these things and it hurts at times. So just a friendly words of advice. Love the quiet love the cuddles because soon they won't love that as much as you.  Have a good day ladies. Till next time! 

A little background info...

So before I lay down all the humorous things that happen I figured I could go a little more into depths on my life. I am a stay at home mother and wife, my husband is a welder and my one child is 15 months old. My husband travels here there and yonder but we own our little country bumpkin home in the small town of Springfield Louisiana. As of right now we are staying in a hotel In port arthur Texas, Tom my son and I will be traveling home to check on the animals and get our new security system installed. Our Familly is Pentecostal. I am about to be 23 and my husband is about to be 25. We've been married for two years,  we started dating since March 20th 2011. We met through the guy I was dating who was a JERK who happened to be my husbands distant cousin. We instantly fell for each other but didn't say a word. We barley spoke to each other because we both knew the other felt the same even though the words were never spoken out loud. Soon to find out my current boyfriend was using drugs and was cheating on me. I was hurt badly because he was using my money to take this other girl out, he left me with nothing but the one friend that stayed there with me Justin. We became best friends who eventually fell deeper and deeper in love. We knew within three months of dating we wanted to marry each other we waited for a while and not long after we were married we were soon to find out we were expecting a baby not very long after getting married. We had our beautiful 10 lbs baby boy on November 20th 2012. Lol I know all the 20s it's our lucky number. (: Now day to day I'm learning more and more on how to be a better mom and wife. Hopefully I can share funny, troublesome, drama, and just life events and give you all something juicy yet relatable to read about. (: 

Every day I will write about things that happen to me as a mother. I will take request and write about them as well. Any questions you have I'm glad to answer. Let me know. COMMENT up. ((: 
But beware I am not one to take rudeness so I will not tolerate ugly behavior. Thanks once again. Have a great day!!! 

A Little About Me

Hey I just wanted to take a little time and let you all know a little about me, I am a full time mommy my name is Brittany and I have the most amazing husband ever  Justin, we have an amazingly handsome perfect son Eli and he is 1. I figured I could take a little time each day to humor you on things that happen day to day and maybe even let you have someone you could relate to. Thanks for reading my blog. (: see you next time.